Saturday, July 14, 2007

Javascript tips of functions usage

These tips are suggested as good programming practices and should lead to easier-to-maintain code.
Define All Functions for a Script First The reason for this tip should be obvious: we need to make sure a function is defined and read by a browser before we can invoke it. Secondarily, if we define all the functions that our code will use in one place, it makes functions easier to find.
Name Functions Well When naming functions and variables, you need to be a little careful. Because functions and variables share the same namespace, you shouldn’t be declaring variables and functions with the same name. It might be a good idea to precede function names with “func” or some other string or letter of your own choosing. So, using such a scheme, if we had a variable named hello and wanted to define a function also called hello, we would use funcHello.
Some developers prefer different casing to distinguish between variables and functions, but this may not be obvious enough. The choice is a matter of style and we leave it open for readers to decide for themselves.
Besides the obvious collision of names, very subtle bugs may slip in when we have similar names, particularly when you consider that functions are created when the document is parsed, while variables are created when the script is run. Notice in the following script how there is a variable as well as a function called x.
var x = 5;
function x()
alert("I'm a function!");
alert(typeof x);

You might expect the alert to show x to be a function or, more appropriately, an object because it appears to be defined second. However, as you can see here, it is a number.
The output makes sense if you consider when the function and variables are actually created. The function is created as the script is parsed, while the variable gets created as the script runs. While this was a contrived example, it illustrates the importance of understanding how things are created in JavaScript.
Consider Using Linked .js Files for Functions, But Be Cautious While many JavaScript programmers like to put functions in external files, we need to make sure that a function is available before calling it. For example, if we have two .js files (lib1.js and lib2.js), each of which calls functions found in the other, we may have to check to make sure the function is available before calling it because the browser might finish loading one script before the other. In the main document, we would define variables showing the files being loaded as false:
var lib1Loaded = false;
var lib2Loaded = false;

Then, in each of the loaded documents the last line would set the corresponding variables to true. Using this scheme, we would then make sure to look at the value of the variables lib1Loaded or lib2Loaded before any functions that are contained in the files are called. For example:
if (lib1Loaded)

Most of the time such efforts aren’t required, but JavaScript designers should be careful to consider the load order of documents and what happens if certain parts of a script are invoked before an entire document has loaded.
Use Explicit Return Statements Even if your function will not return any values, insert a return statement anyway. JavaScript being an interpreted language, keeping the interpreter from having to do any extra work or make any assumptions should produce better running scripts.
Write Stand-Alone Functions As always, you should practice modular design and pass data into and out from functions using only function arguments, the return statement, and data values that are passed by reference. We should avoid side-effects such as changing global values from within functions. Local variables should always be used to perform calculations that are unique to a function, and hidden functions can be used in the same manner to create special-purpose functions that are not needed anywhere else. The value of going through the trouble to create stand-alone functions in this fashion is that such functions can be reused without worry in a variety of situations.

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